Working with Susan Danoff is an unforgettable experience. She has a way of expediting, organizing and thinking that has powerful and practical results. As a storyteller, she’s mesmerizing. When she tells a story, she pulls listeners right into it, and when it’s over, we feel we have just been immersed in an experience that has illuminated and deepened us. Whether Susan is teaching, telling a story, conducting a workshop, running a business, coaching a client, or building a network within an organization, she does it with a wisdom, common sense, humor and insight that contributes to helping us connect with others, know ourselves better, solve problems, figure out new solutions and connect dots we didn’t know existed. Her fierce, unflinching inner clarity gives her a generosity of spirit that extends to every person she touches. Her light makes everything more luminous.
-Kathryn Watterson, author of Women in Prison, Not by the Sword and other books.
I was very fortunate to hear about Susan Danoff and her storytelling workshops through a colleague at Princeton University. After meeting Susan and discussing the “power” of storytelling, I knew we needed to try this in our organization. Susan worked with me to develop two different workshops – first, to explore diversity and achieve an appreciation of diversity within an organization; and second, to create community as we planned a major office relocation for the organization. In both cases, we not only received excellent feedback on how meaningful the workshops were, but we also observed significant changes in attitude and behavior which directly contributed to enhancing our organizational effectiveness. I would highly recommend working with Susan and using storytelling as a tool to create desired change.
-Nancy Costa, former Associate CIO, Office of Information Technology, Princeton University
From 2007-2009 Susan ran many successful community-building sessions for Princeton's Office of Information Technology. She is an outstanding facilitator who brings years of experience working with diverse groups – college students, teachers, executives, technologists, academics. She provides an enjoyable, meaningful, and rich experience to participants, and in the process, enables the group to build community in a natural and organic way.
-Hetty Baiz, former Manager, Project Office, Office of Information Technology
Princeton University
I have attended five of Susan’s summer storytelling institutes at Princeton University, and each time I marvel at her ability to bring a group of strangers together and to help them open up to each other in ways that create lasting bonds of friendship. Susan has the generous ability to value each person’s individual needs and talents while also nurturing a sense of community within the group. I have witnessed this, not only in her week-long teacher institutes, but also in her summer retreat for storytellers, which she has run for over 16 years, and to which many of the same members return year after year. While all of this involves extensive and meticulous planning, Susan accomplishes it in a way that always appears effortless.
-Tara McGowan, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, School of Education